Idol white seems to have revolutionized the very idea of teeth whitening. Many do not consider it just another teeth whitening pen. So, how much is this hype justified? Is it really better than other whitening systems currently available? Read on to find out.
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Idol white is most widely known because of the endorsement by the Kardashian sisters. But a celebrity endorsement is surely not enough to satisfy the disbelieving masses of today’s world. And sure enough, to beat such skeptics, the teeth whitening pen comes with a trial offer.
All you have to do is pay for the shipping and handling and you get to try the product for free which lasts 30 days. And if you are satisfied with the product, you may continue, if not, you can cancel at any time. Seems like a win-win situation, right?
Why use it?
It could be a hassle-free route to whiter teeth. The product is easy-to-use, not at all messy and definitely cheaper than going to a dentist for the problem. While many tooth whitening products are no good for sensitive teeth however, such a problem has not been reported with Idol white. It is quick and can be used even when you are in a rush in the morning. It can take as little as 30 seconds to apply it.
How does it work?
The gel is pre-loaded into the pen and all you have to do is apply it to your teeth using the pen applicator. You do this twice a day and it doesn’t take too long either. This makes it very convenient and time saving as there are always more important things to be doing with your time.
Is the hype justified?
Results vary and depend on how badly your teeth are stained. So some stains will take longer and more applications to remove than others.
Some say that within a fortnight you may see wonderful results. Many Idol White product reviews claim that it makes teeth almost eight shades whiter. Although, to find such a radical difference, you may have to use the teeth whitening pen for an extended period.
On the whole, Idol White can be less time-consuming and cost-effective than most other similar home teeth whitening products like trays and strips. It is also a safe option.
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